A plugin to create tree node UIs that can have an Ext.Component below the node’s title. Can be plugged into any Ext.tree.TreePanel and will be applied to nodes that are extended with the GeoExt.Tree.TreeNodeUIEventMixin.
If a node is configured with a component attribute, it will be rendered with the component in addition to icon and title.
Sample code to create a tree with a node that has a component:
var uiClass = Ext.extend(
var tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
plugins: [
new GeoExt.plugins.TreeNodeComponent(),
root: {
nodeType: "node",
uiProvider: uiClass,
text: "My Node",
component: {
xtype: "box",
autoEl: {
tag: "img",
src: "/images/my-image.jpg"